Your Home Was Burglarized? 2 Ways To Keep The Stress From Affecting Your Marriage

If your home was recently burglarized, then the negative emotions your spouse and you have may have led to endless bickering since the event. While you both may know that neither of you are to blame for the event, one of you may be pointing fingers at the other for not locking the door or not agreeing with the other who had mentioned needing a home security system in the past. Read More 

DUI Counseling Tips: An Alcoholic’s Guide To Avoid Drunk Driving

You should never put yourself in a position where you drive under the influence, as it can be dangerous, but making sure you stay sober can be hard for a person attempting to let go of this vice. You can avoid using your car or just use a taxi, yet these are not always available options. The following is a simple and helpful guide that may help keep you from drinking before getting behind the wheel. Read More 

Rebuilding A Marriage After Infidelity

Learning that your spouse has been unfaithful can affect you emotionally, mentally, and even physically. Being betrayed by the person that you love and trust the most can make you question everything about your life together, but there are many couples that are able to overcome cheating in a marriage, and in some cases the marriage is even stronger after it is challenged. If your spouse has been unfaithful, but you want to rebuild your marriage, use the following tips: Read More 

Family Member Addicted To Methamphetamine? Tips To Help Them

If you have a family member that is addicted to methamphetamine (meth), you need to seek help for them quickly. Drug rehab is one option you have. When it comes to this, there are different methods that are used. Below is some information about what meth does to the body, and the types of rehab available to help someone addicted to it. What it does Learning what meth does to their body may give your family member an incentive to quit. Read More 

5 Reasons Why You Have Trouble Sticking With Anything

You have started a multitude of projects, took on hobbies, started a business or two, or tried to learn a foreign language, yet you end up eventually abandoning all these things. Why is that, you wonder? Why can't you stick to anything long enough to get good at it and see results? Or if you do have some initial success, why do you let it wane, and move on to something else? Read More