4 Things To Bring Up During Marriage Therapy Sessions

Several common issues can cause strife in marital life. Fortunately, discussing these topics in therapy can help you develop healthier ways of relating to your spouse. Here are four things you can bring up during marriage therapy sessions: 

1. Health Concerns

It may seem counterintuitive, but health concerns can be a major source of argument between couples. It's natural to want your spouse to be healthy, so they can live a long and happy life. However, it's important to recognize that each member of a couple is an individual with their own free will. People with health issues can experience their partner's concerns as a form of infantilization or nagging. Conversely, healthy partners may feel frustrated by their spouse's apparent lack of care for their own well-being. Marriage therapy is a neutral ground where people can discuss their health concerns openly and productively. 

2. Children

Many people feel that their children complete their lives. Kids can bring a very real sense of satisfaction and joy into your marriage. However, raising kids can also be stressful, especially if you and your partner are not in agreement when it comes to childrearing. Presenting a united front is an important parenting technique, which cannot be realized if you and your spouse are at odds. In marriage therapy, couples can develop healthy parenting techniques. They can discuss disagreements they have about raising children, come to healthy compromises, and learn the skills needed to create more harmonious households. 

3. Finances

Money is a common topic of argument in many households. The stress of not having enough money can lead to high tempers and bad behavior. In many cases, practical solutions, such as budgeting, can solve relational problems. A marriage therapist can support you and your spouse in finding practical ways to deal with your money troubles. A therapist can also work with you to overcome any anxiety issues that you may have surrounding money. Developing a healthy relationship with your finances can allow your marriage to become healthier as well.

4. Sex

Sex is a natural part of human life. A healthy sex life can be an incredible bonding experience for you and your spouse. Unfortunately, as people's lives get busy, sex is often one of the first things that fall to the wayside. This can lead to feelings of disconnection, isolation, and dissatisfaction in your marriage. Many people find it difficult to discuss sex. Luckily, marriage therapists can help couples have honest discussions about sex in order to restore intimacy.
